Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Twilight Saga: Vampire or Werewolf, which one is better?

As you have probably seen all over the media, The Twilight Saga the hit vampire series by Stephenie Meyer has been made into a major motion picture. It’s about a human girl, Bella, having to chose between her two loves, Edward Cullen the vampire or Jacob Black the werewolf. Fans all over the world have been debating on which one is better.

Well, lets start with Edward. Yes, he’s a vampire. He is the old-fashioned type of guy, very trustworthy, and protective. Edward has very high levels of commitment, very vampire-ish. Look back on the old vampire stories, Dracula and his wife lasted over 500 years! I think that proves my point. Also, vampires can make you feel desired.

Vampire has some cons too. Time may pass and you’re aging while the vampire looks exactly what he looked like when he died.

Now, lets look at Jake. He is a wonderful, fun, cuddly werewolf. Very comfortable person to be around.

Well, that not the Jake you know once he gets mad. He gets mad very quickly and easily. Once he is in “I’m mad and turned into a werewolf” mode, its very hard for him to get back in control. There have some serial murder case that been tied up with werewolves.

I, too, think Edward is better. I mean, look at him! He’s the next thing to perfect. He cares, protects you, and makes you feel special. Yes, Jake is cool too but he would seem to be better off the best friend.

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