Monday, June 28, 2010

Animal Myths

Some animals can do some interesting things. Giraffes can clean their ears and eyes with their tongues. Snails can hibernate for 3 years.

But somethings are just simply not true.

There is the myth that ostriches bury there heads in the ground.
That is not true. They lay there eggs in the ground. They check up on the eggs and turn them over with their head. So it might look like the head is in there but its just an illusion.

Opossums can hang on trees by their tails.
People started believing this because opossums could move by swings their tails from place toplace.
Actually, only a baby opossum can hang on for a couple seconds. Adults would just be to heavy. But what would this skill help the opossums do anyway ?

Touching a frog or toad could get you warts.
The skin of a frog or toad looks like warts so that's a reason to believe that they could bring warts.
Warts is caused by human virus. But you still might not want to touch a frog or toad. They could bring other viruses.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Polor Bear Listed as an Endangered Animal . . . )))):

Polar bears live in the Arctic. They live off of fatty marine animals. The live, eat, and sometimes give birth on the Arctic ice. There is only one problem. The ice is melting away. As the future comes, scientist worry about the polar bear's population.

Scientists think the reason of the ice melting is because of human activity. The new polar bear regulations will not change the US climate policy.

The bear is counted as a marine animal, which means it will not stop oil exploration. Is also wont stop native people from hunting bears as a resource. Shipping these goods from Canada will be banned.

One scientist will say by the time its 2025, 2/3 of the population of the polar bears will be gone.
If people want to save these animals, you would need a lot of help, international-wise.

Some say we need to keep the polar bears for awhile until the Arctic temperature goes up and the ice will start to form again.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

云溪野渡 手卷 纸本 1632

云溪野渡 手卷 纸本

钤印:萧云从、前身老画师、齐梁王孙、萧云从、小曼 鉴藏印:曾在上海曹玉水处、王子卿审定、烟云过眼、曹江珍藏 钤印:王泽 款 识 : △崇祯七年,次甲戌秋七月廿日,自东湖游归,醉之余,随意终其前幅,不觉纵横,然势在矣已。十指皆有酒气,醒时设色,若一往奇性,人虽古怪之,我亦大称意也。萧云从识。 △余初画此卷自娱适辱。右白社兄过嘉赏识,因举以赠之。所以酬知己也。乙亥七月廿三日,弟萧云从。

The Heart of Your Body

Little kids draw hearts everyday. They always looking like this . . .
But in reality, the heart doesn't actually look like that. The human heart is about the size of a fist. A lot of blood is supplied to the heart. So it looks red like meat. People who are obese, their heart looks yellow because of the fat that surrounds it. '

In school, kids say the Pledge of Allegiance. You would put your hand either on the left or right side of your chest right? Well, actually the heart is in the middle in between your lungs.

The heart pumps blood in and out through your body. Pumping all that blood is a lot of work. The average heart would beat about 100,000 times a day. In a lifetime, the heart would beat more then 2.5 billion times.

Eat healthy and exercise can help the heart do its job.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our Very Special Brain (((:

You know that the human brain is incredibly unique. You see, without our brain we could never function like a normal person. Its our brain that controls everything.
Our brain is faster and powerful than a super computer. Lets say that your kitty was on the kitchen counter and they were just about to step on the hot stove. Well, the first thing you would react is that you should grab your kitty. Your brain calculates the timing and tells your muscles to move. You just saved your kitty fro hurting itself.
The energy the brain produces can power up a light bulb. Your brain contains about 100 billion neurons. These neurons bounce around in your head like a pinball machine. Each neuron contain a little bit of electricity, if your gather all the neurons, that can produce a lot of electricity.
The neurons are also very fast. They can travel faster then 150 mph.
As you learn, your brain changes. How? Well, when your learning something, that message transfers to all the little neurons and that makes a connection. That creates a new memory or thought.
Exercise can help you get smarter. Scientists have found out that when you exercise, your body creates a new chemical that helps you more likely to learn.


Monday, June 21, 2010

The Statue of Liberty (((:

Have you been to New York City to see the famous Statue of Liberty? It has a big part of history behind it. It actually started with an idea from a Frenchmen, Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi.
It was one simple night in France. A group of Frenchmen got together and had dinner. They were talking about their dictator-like government and the Democratic government of America. They were hoping for to make there government like America's. Then Bartholdi had an idea of a statue for a statue holding a torch. He thought maybe France could give America a birthday present.
This idea actually took 21 years until it became a reality. Bartholdi wanted the statue to be a beautiful goddess that represented freedom, so he used his mother the model. The french built the statue and took it apart and shipped it to America.
Gustave Eiffel was the engineer that actually built the spine of the stat. He later built the Eiffel Tower that is located in Paris. It took 2 years to complete the statue. The statue was finished in 1865.
The statue is 151 feet, 1 inch tall.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pandas !!!! (((:

You know the pandas are one of the unfortunate endangered animals out there right? There are a little less then 2,000 pandas that still live in the wild, and about 200 that live in zoos. They are one of the world's rarest mammals.

Every single newborn panda is important. After the pandas grow older, some might be released into the wild again to rebuild the population of pandas China had before.

Breeding pandas are not exactly the funniest job either. A grown, female panda can only produce a baby panda once every two years. In the wild, a grown female panda can only produce five to eight baby pandas a lifetime.

Scientists are studying the pandas in zoos to find a way to improve odds for baby pandas to survive in the wild.

Giant pandas can live anywhere in China, as long they have the bamboos to eat, but the bamboos have been dissapearing ever sine people have been moving to the valleys and began to farm lands.

Scientists, zoo workers, Chinese government, and etc have been working on a way to save bamboos, the one hope that might save the pandas from extinction.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

The REAL Food ((:

You see the picture of foods in magazines, t.v., movies, and etc. They all look good and ready to eat right? Well, guess again because there are a lot of secrets behind this.

Food stylists and photographers use many "gadgets" to make food look mouth-watering and amazing. These gadgets include paper towels, soap, cotton balls, and etc.

Look at this picture . . .

The milk look white and pure right? NOPE ! It's mixed with dish soap bubbles to make it look like it was freshly poured.

The ice in the juice looks amazing but in reality, its hand-carved plastic cubes that are $50 each. And the juice? Yeah, it's not even real! It's just water with food coloring.

The potatoes look so GOOD! Well, they might not taste to great. There is squeezable margarine instead of real melted butter. The steam is from a microwaved cotton ball.

To me, the chicken is the best part of the meal. Well, not this meal. This chicken is actually partly cooked. The inside is stuff with paper towels. The chicken is painted with a special brown mixture.

The grill marks on the veggies are actually made from an electric coils. Another thing that can be used is eyeliner.

The bread looks so GOOD! Well, stylist use a special spray to keep the bread looking fresh. The spray makes the bread waterproof.

The ice cream can melt under the camera and light. Ice cream is actually cake mix with powered sugar. The strawberries have been touched up with lip stick.

There are many other "gadgets" stylist use. Like superglue, nails, tweezers, and etc.

When Smart becomes a job

I bought some books for Luoluo. She agreed that she would work on some math work book if I bought a new serial of the New Moon. Sure.

When she started working on a math workbook, LL blurted out:

Now I know, a smartie is nothing but a job.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Can Animals Be Nice ?? [[Maybe any animal can . . . EXECPT MiMi !!!!!]]

Human has a certain of ethic. If you don't play a certain, then I won't play with you. Sometimes, animals play the same way.
Certain animals who stay in a pack, are mostly likely to follow rules. Animals who live alone have it harder. Its harder to hunt and raising the newborns.

Well, lets look at some examples . . .

A female red fox was rough-housing around with another male fox. The male was playing too rough, so the female left. The male still wanted to play so he followed. He rolled over and bowed. He meant "I want to play, I'll be nice". The female gave him another chance, and the male played more gently.

A Primatologist was exploring Africa and he went too far into the forest. Soon, he became hungry. His stomach began to rumble and tried to knock some food from the trees. Suddenly, a chimp came by. He knew the Primatologist was hungry so he grabbed some food for him.

There a kitty name Toby. She was a very nice kitty. She always shared food with another dog, Katie. After supper, the owner divided the scraps. Toby's bowl was higher in case Katie wanted to steal some of Toby's food. Well, Katie didn't steal. Instead, she begged and Toby always gave some scraps to Katie.
Afterwards, Katie would go lay down on a bean bag. Then Toby would come and Katie always gave him a nice, warm spot.

An African elephant was lost in the middle of a swamp. Then a forest elephant came and found the African elephant. The forest elephant had been injured. So the African elephant deicded to help the injured the elephant by feeding him.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Salem Witch Trial

Back in the old days, people thought there were really witches out there. It all started in a Puritan community of Salem Village, Massachusetts in 1692. A group of girls were staying the night of the house of Reverend Parris. The girls were listening to a story told by one of the slaves. They played fortune-telling games, something forbidden by the Puritan. One night, one girl was trying to see her future husband. Instead, she saw a coffin-like shaped.

Soon after, the girls started to act strange. The Puritan people suspected the practice of witchcraft. The girls pointed out three townswomen, including the slave who told them the stories, as the witches to tortured them.

There was a trial for these women. They argued a lot over this situation. The court didn’t believe them and found them guilty of practicing witchcraft.

As time passed, the group of girls started accusing other people too. It wasn’t just women, it was children and men too. By 1693, there have been 24 people who died. Some died in jail but most were hanged. Some who were accused, confessed, but none of those people were hanged.

The Puritan way of life was strict. If you were just a little different, you could be in trouble. No one knows why the witch craze spread, but it changed a lot of things.

That was the last witch hanging in America.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Malaria Problem in Africa

Africa has many problems, money problems, diseases, and etc. Well, above of all of theses things, there is another problem. It might be the smallest thing, but it can cause the biggest problems: mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can carry parasites that can cause a disease called malaria. Once the mosquito bites you, the parasite can get into your bloodstream.

Other countries have the same problem but it’s either under control or simply gone. In Africa, it’s still a very big problem.

There has been a program called “No More Malaria” created just for helping the people in Africa to prevent this disease. People make mosquito nets. The mosquito nets keep the mosquitoes away while your sleeping. A couple people could fit under a mosquito net at a time.

The mosquito nets have mad a big difference. They have helped a lot of kids from getting sick.

There have been many vaccines created but not one for malaria yet. Until then, the mosquito nets are the only hope.

Cited Work

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Mysterious Tattooed Mummy?

Also, its MiMi's BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A pyramid in Peru, scientists found a tomb with mummy in it, a tattooed mummy. The mummy must have been lying there for about 1,600 years. After the mummy was unwrapped, scientists found lots of valuables. Crowns, jewels, gold, and etc. There was even huge war clubs that was used to protect the greatest warriors.

Now, the Moche people don’t treat a female this way when they die, but this female mummy got way better treatment then the males. So, who was this female? Queen? High priestess? Warrior Princess?

Scientists have so many questions about this mummy. She was covered in tattoos. What did they represent? Some think maybe she died of childbirth, but it’s still uncertain.

Protecting her tomb, the mummy was buried with 23 spear throwers. Even the most powerful males were buried with 1 or 2 spears. Was she that important?

Anyways, who ever the female were, I guess she was very important. Maybe the Moche people thought she was a god?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Twilight Saga: Vampire or Werewolf, which one is better?

As you have probably seen all over the media, The Twilight Saga the hit vampire series by Stephenie Meyer has been made into a major motion picture. It’s about a human girl, Bella, having to chose between her two loves, Edward Cullen the vampire or Jacob Black the werewolf. Fans all over the world have been debating on which one is better.

Well, lets start with Edward. Yes, he’s a vampire. He is the old-fashioned type of guy, very trustworthy, and protective. Edward has very high levels of commitment, very vampire-ish. Look back on the old vampire stories, Dracula and his wife lasted over 500 years! I think that proves my point. Also, vampires can make you feel desired.

Vampire has some cons too. Time may pass and you’re aging while the vampire looks exactly what he looked like when he died.

Now, lets look at Jake. He is a wonderful, fun, cuddly werewolf. Very comfortable person to be around.

Well, that not the Jake you know once he gets mad. He gets mad very quickly and easily. Once he is in “I’m mad and turned into a werewolf” mode, its very hard for him to get back in control. There have some serial murder case that been tied up with werewolves.

I, too, think Edward is better. I mean, look at him! He’s the next thing to perfect. He cares, protects you, and makes you feel special. Yes, Jake is cool too but he would seem to be better off the best friend.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

OLDEST SHOES EVRRRRR !!!!!!! ((((((:

The oldest leather shoe was found in Armenian cave. It is about 5,500 years old, found in a nasty supply of sheep poop. It is made out of old moccasin-like material. After 5,500 years, you would think the shoe would look pretty crappy, but actually it’s in very well condition. The shoe size is about a women’s 7 (U.S). It looks like if it was for the right foot, but it would have been suitable for either sex. This version of the shoe was possibly the newer technology at the time. It looks a little similar of what shoes look like today. The shoes of this age are very, very, VERY rare because they happen to degrade quickly.

People disagree that maybe this shoe might not be the oldest. They have found sandals from 7,000 years ago, in central Missouri. They also have found fossils of human feet of 40,000 years old that are evident of humans wearing shoes.

I could agree with either side. I guess they both have good evidence. The thing is that this is just the oldest leather shoe they found. Maybe other scientists have found other types of shoes, like boots or just regular walking shoes.