Sunday, July 23, 2006

American Dad

FYI: Mom forced me to write this mommy is an big fat meanie.


American dad:

Francine likes to cook and she does not like her daughter make fun of her.
Francine want to Halely movie and thought it was going to be good because it was aspired her but at the end it was bad because it shows how boring she is at cleaning.

Stan likes his son to be popular and not like his son to be a geek[means nerd].
Stan gave Steve a pill and Steve grew breasts! And Stan yelled ,he expected that! Then they went to Steve room and Stan put a lot of shirts on Steve.

Steve likes to be with his friends and he does not like his dad sometimes.
The next morning Steve went to school

allele likes to be a know-it-all and she hates jerks.
Helely made a film about her mom who the boring house wife who is only good at cooking and cleaning.

Roger, the alien, likes to drink and smoke and he hates to be pushed around.
Roger was a alien who thought Francine was bad at clean and so he cleaned the house

Clause, the talking fish,wants Francine and hates Stan.
Clause was walking fish who came from outer space too.
He wanted Francine he sometimes talked to Stan and one day they were talking about Steve going a party and Clause said"did you go to a lot party when your youny?

The funniest part is that Stan said " I payed u not to play my son. Is couch scared?"to the couch.
And the couch said "Thirty years of smoking and am still not died,Smith your in."
And he ran and ran and said " this is my chance!"He had a helmet and he had his glass and his eyes open with arms in the air.
So Steve jumped in the pool and drowned some one saved him and he spit a lot of water.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Luoluo's cattitude

7:45:woke up. Yawned and stretched for 15 seconds. Scratched my ears for 2 or 3 seconds.
7:50:went to find toothbrush.Talked for 30 seconds to myself until mom took me out of the bathroom.
8:00:Tired. Went downstairs to get my backpack 8:13:Yawned. Tired. Ran to the bus stop.
8:45 started at food bowl for 15 minutes until I fed myself with a donut.9:00:Ate. Took about 15 minutes. Went to class.
11:30:chewed on a cheese. After 6 minutes of chewing, it's pretty gross. 12:00:Took a long resess. I am amost $ years old in human years. I sat and thought about that for a minute, and decided it's a Luoluo's life .